Real-time surveillance that identifies hacks, breaches and exploits for exchanges, token creators (ICOs) and crypto investors.
MonitorChain provides essential services and crucial resources for token creators, exchanges and investors. Find out how MonitorChain can help protect your business. Select your business type to learn more:
Security on your side
Live monitoring of token contract health for up to the block detection of potential exploits, hacking or theft patterns.
- Detect Large Transfers
- Transaction Traceability
Immediate notification when a token may have been compromised delivered directly via the Ethereum network.
- 500+ Tokens Monitored 24/7
- On-Chain Ethereum Oracle
Take preventative action by smart contract oracle and get notifications before stolen/counterfeit tokens are used.
- Key Address Alerts
- Off-Chain Triggers
Why Are Instant Alerts of Hacks and Thefts Needed?

How MonitorChain Helps Users
Support for all popular ERC20 Tokens
Over 50 Detected Events
Over 98% Precision
Cryptocurrency Exchanges
Once hackers and thieves steal tokens and exploit weak smart contracts, exchanges are the first place they go. Don’t let your exchange be the dumping ground for stolen and counterfeit tokens, MonitorChain provides instant detailed alerts the second a major event occurs so you can take timely action to protect your exchange by suspending trading, deposit, and withdrawal of the tokens in question. MonitorChain is an on-chain Ethereum based feed, so for decentralized exchanges we can even integrate directly into your smart contracts and management systems for automated response. Don’t be the next exchange to lose millions to a hack!
Ethereum Token Creators (ICOs)
Do you have a plan for what happens if your token smart contract gets hacked or a large address has its holdings stolen? Smart Contract Audits and internal security measures help, but there is no way to completely eliminate the possibility of being hacked. MonitorChain protects you by providing instant alerts to suspicious activity in violation of the terms of your token contract and major holding address conditions. Build with Ethereum ICOs in mind, our alert feed is set up as an Ethereum Oracle to allow you to automatically trigger freeze functions or notify exchanges to suspend trading. Don’t be the next ICO to fail in the wake of making all the wrong headlines!
Crypto Traders and Investors
No trader wants to get tricked into falling for a pump and dump or other form of marketing manipulation, and the immediately aftereffect of a token hack or theft is almost always that. Volume skyrockets and prices go up and down by drastic percentages in seconds. In the heat of the moment where every second matters, do you know whether this is an organic movement based on real news, or the impact of a catastrophic hack? MonitorChain helps you with instant notifications, so you know which ‘flash sales’ to avoid. It can even be integrated directly into your trading bots. Don’t get caught holding the bag!